題目:The dollar will remain the key reserve currency for the foreseeable future. The United States is the dominant world power, and with world power goes leadership of the currency.
(A) The value of the dollar could rapidly decline because of big budget and trade deficits in the US.
(B) Since the US is the dominant world power, people should buy up dollars.
(C) A powerful dollar will lead the US to be the dominant world power.
(D) The dollar will remain strong as long as the US remains the dominant world power.
Step 1:
瀏覽句意,找出主結構,“The dollar will remain the key reserve currency for the foreseeable future.”(在可預見的未來,美元仍將是關鍵的儲備貨幣)。
always :此單字經常出現在國考英文試題當中,要特別注意!
reserve (always)
1. v. 保留、預訂、延遲作出 In many countries, lanes are reserved for cars with more than one occupant. 在許多國家,多人乘坐的汽車有專行道。 Emerald has reserved a room at a hotel. Emerald已預訂了旅館房間。 The Supreme Court will reserve judgment. 最高法庭將延期判決。
2. n. 儲備(物)、保護區、候補、沉默寡言 The Gulf has 65 percent of the world's oil reserves. 海灣地區擁有全世界65%的石油儲藏。 Many American Indians still live on reserves which are poor and undeveloped. 許多美國的印第安人仍然居住在貧窮和未開發的保護區。 Eudora ended up as a reserve, but still qualified for a team silver medal. Eudora最後成了候補隊員,但仍有資格獲得團體銀牌。 Randal's natural reserve makes him appear self-conscious. Randal天生的寡言性格讓他顯得有些拘謹。
currency n. 貨幣、流通(傳) (always)
What is the currency you use in your country? 你的國家使用什麼貨幣? Scott's theory has wide currency worldwide. Scott的理論在全球廣為流傳。
foreseeable adj. 可預見到的 (often)
For the foreseeable future, oil price will keep going up. 在可預見的未來,石油價格將持續上漲。 同義:predictable, prospective.
Step 2:
第二句“The United States is the dominant world power, and with world power goes leadership of the currency.”(美國是世界強國,而貨幣的領導地位與世界大國相合)。合併之後→在可預見的未來,美元仍將是關鍵的儲備貨幣。只要美國維持強勢,貨幣的領導地位就不會動搖。
dominant adj. 統治(支配)的、佔首位的、(遺傳)顯性的 (always)
Sophie Danièle Sylvie Maupu is a dominant figure in the French film industry.
This is a rare dominant genetic disease. 這是一種罕見的顯性基因疾病。
leadership n. 領導(階層)、領導(地位、才能) (sometimes)
Many people distrust their leadership. 很多人不信任他們的領導階層。
Mr. Cabrera lacks leadership. Cabrera先生缺乏領導才能。
(A) 因為巨大的預算和貿易赤字,美元可能迅速貶值。
decline v. 下降、婉拒 n. 下降、衰退(落) (always)
The crime rate has been declining. 犯罪率一直在下降。
Barbie declined Shawn's invitation. Barbie謝絕了Shawn的邀請。
There is a sharp decline in consumption. 消費急劇下降。
The signs of economic decline are everywhere. 經濟衰退的跡象隨處可見。
同義:drop, reduce, fall, go down, diminish, decrease.
deficit n. 赤字 (often)
The government is unable to deal with the soaring deficit. 政府無力應對飆升的赤字。
同義:shortage, lack, scarcity, dearth, insufficiency.
(B) 由於美國是世界強國,大家應該全部買進美元。
buy up 盡購、全部買進 (sometimes)
Patrick bought up all the pencils they had.
(C) 強大的貨幣將帶領美國成為世界強國。
(D) 只要美國仍是世界強國,美元將維持強勢。